Fashion and Make-up De-Mystified
Andrew rolled in to his next client’s apartment, his livelihood in a small black tote bag on wheels, similar to the bags flight attendants glide along the freshly waxed tile of airport corridors. On his face was more carefully crafted make-up than a girl could hope to accomplish by studying her mom, staring in the mirror, applying layers of lipstick. His latest client found Andrew on Instagram. A few comments later, he was in her Los Angeles studio apartment, doing her makeup. Her friends waited anxiously as he worked on his next masterpiece, his page serving as a preview of the beauty he was crafting behind that bathroom door. While Andrew Estrella doesn’t consider himself instagram famous, his thousands of followers suggest otherwise. Recently painting on the faces of VH1’s latest reality drama Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood, Estrella has used instagram as his public portfolio. With each post, he has transitioned from the all-black smocks of the M.A.C. (Make-up Art Cosmetics) makeup counter to celebrity photo shoots and television sets, but for Andrew this career just fell into his lap.
My tips for social media are be consistent, whatever message you're trying to deliver for your business be clear so followers know what you're about. Engage your followers if they ask you a question respond (long as it's about your business,) Don't just post for likes but post to engage, spark a conversation and post clear mages of your work. What's next for me is working in tv & film doing makeup, I want to open a make-up, nails and blow dry bar, and I also want my own show or beauty segment where we talk beauty, women and fun," says Michelle.
Lizbeth Hernandez uses her instagram page to promote her style blog by combining her passion for fashion and writing to attract both readers and fashionistas, leading to blog traffic that attracts advertisers to keep her in business. "So, I started my first blog in 2008 after I graduated high school and it was fashion related. I was posting regularly but I wasn’t tapping into my social media outlets to network and grow it. In college I was interning at different fashion internships and interned at Vogue. I put my experiences with that on the back burner. After college, I realized I needed to start up again. I started imvh. I launched it in 2013 of May or June. It’s doing really well and different companies or brands notice my activity on social media. The instagram platform, I always was using that and got inspiration from that. I connected by blog with followers from that. Each social network has helped blast out my blog," says Hernandez.