Social Media Success: "Fit Body by Ashley"
Social media platforms like Instagram and Youtube have opened the doors for creative minds all over the world. From fitness enthusiasts to makeup guru's, some of these individuals have gained a large fan-base and even a salary. While many of these stars have mastered a method that makes the process look easy, there's actually more work necessary than what meets the eye. Ashley Chatman is one of many stars that have used social media to further their careers. She attributes her rapid weight loss of 60 pounds to discovering Zumba and following a clean eating regimen. Now a Zumba Instructor herself, Ashley manages her fitness career via Facebook, Instagram & YouTube.
"For those who don't know, my mother passed away from an unknown cancer three years ago. While she was medically considered "overweight", she led a very healthy lifestyle and forced me and my siblings to be super conscious of our health growing up. The day she passed changed everything for me. It made realize the importance of health and doing all you can to ensure you live a long, healthy life.." (From "Addiction: How Ashley is Breaking Her Addiction to Junk Food" by Ashley Chatman) Motivated to make a difference on her mom's behalf and for herself , Ashley has focused on sharing her experiences to relate to her audience and social media is helping her do just that.
According to Internet Martketing Solutions site - Zephoria, "42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important to their business." Because of the "sharing" feature on Facebook, people are able to "spread the word", as Ashley stated, bringing more people to her classes and for longer periods of time as many people are more consistent when they're accompanied by friends or family. With just the click of a button, Ashley is able to tell all of her followers summing up to almost 2,500 people when and where they can join the next Zumba party.
Ashley shares that social media has "helped to gain more visibility, to spread the word about the different types of classes" and allow people to see a small glimpse of what a class with her is like. "Social media has given me my own voice. I'm able to make my social media pages my own and offer a sneak peek into my fitness journey and world in general."
Among the social media outlets available on mobile devices, Instagram has definitely gained the most popularity. In his Business Insider article, "Here Are the Most Common Apps On People's Home Screens", Dave Smith mentions a new app called Homescreen which determines what apps are on the homescreens of smartphone uses. According to the chart provided, Instagram is the most popular app coming in at 45%. The user-friendly layout and "hashtag" sharing feature provide a fun way for people to stay up to date with the lives of their classmates, coworkers and friends.
Like Facebook, Ashley uses Instagram to motivate her students. Except here, it's a little more personal. Each day she photographs her meals whether it's breakfast or a snack before dinner. This way she can be an encouragement to her followers while leading by example. Ashley says apps like Instagram "allows people a more convenient way to stay updated on what's happening and they're able to see progress or results without having to physically be in the room. By uploading candids of herself and students during her fitness classes and captioning the location, Ashley can provide followers with a visual so inviting that it would get followers to come join the party.
Not only has the loss of her mom motivated Ashley to refocus her life on health but, as she described, "helping others and wanting them to achieve their fitness goals as well." Now she teaches classes three times a week throughout the Greater Los Angeles area where she reminds her students that you can have fun and be healthy. Through her Facebook, Instagram and Youtube accounts, Ashley has shared bits and pieces of herself by advertising events and sharing healthy recipes. Ashley says that if it weren't for social media people would think Zumba is a lot harder than it actually is, that it was an exclusive exercise option instead of what it truly is: a dance party with family.
By posting class videos to YouTube, daily meal photos to Instagram and creating Facebook events for socials, Ashley is keeping her circle connected in a fun and healthy way. "I hope to give my students an opportunity to be themselves, relieve stress, let go of their worries or inhibitions and just give them an opportunity to dance."